ISVAAs are an accredited professional recognised by the Home Office established to improve the experiences of victims of sexual violence within the criminal justice system. Our ISVAAs offer independent, non-judgmental emotional and practical support and advocacy to anyone aged 11 and over (including parents and carers) who has experienced historical or recent sexual abuse, sexual assault, or rape. We also support parents and carers through the criminal justice system for children under the age of 11 as well as the child.
It's completely up to you whether or not to report to the police. No-one else can or should make that choice for you.
We have specialist Independent Sexual Violence Accredited Advisors at SOSRC - ISVAA workers, who can give you information about what will happen if you report to the Police, to help you make an informed decision.
If you do report, a medical examination will usually be carried out to collect any forensic evidence. This is evidence that can be gathered through scientific tests, like DNA from hair or swabs.
If you’re not sure yet whether you want to report to the police but think you might at some point, you can have a forensic medical examination at Oakwood Place SARC in Brentwood.
They can store forensic evidence here for use in the future.
If you do want forensic evidence to be collected, try and go to the SARC or police as soon as you can, and within 72 hours if possible.
If you want forensic evidence to be collected, try not to:
This is to preserve as much evidence as possible.
If you have already done some of these things, don't worry. There might still be forensic evidence to collect.
If you do decide to change your clothes, put the ones you were wearing in a clean plastic bag without washing them if you can.
Your ISVAA will explain the process of reporting to the police and what to expect from the criminal justice system, to allow you to make an informed decision about whether it is the best step for you.
If you choose to report, they will help you to understand and receive your legal rights and provide independent support throughout any criminal investigations and court proceedings.
Please let us know if English is not your first language and we can organise an interpreter.
The Victim’s Code outlines your rights. It’s a statutory code that sets out the minimum level of service that victims should receive from the criminal justice system. An adapted EasyRead version of the Victim’s Code is also available.
Whether or not you choose to report, your ISVAA can also provide you with advocacy support, for example with face to face meetings and telephone calls, and introducing you to other services and agencies that may be beneficial to you.
An ISVAA can help ensure that your individual views, opinions, wishes and needs are listened to and respected by the agencies you are involved with.
ISVAAs are understanding, respectful and non-judgmental towards whichever choice you make.
They are independent, professional experts who specialise in issues around sexual violence and are completely on the side of victims and survivors.
It is the ISVAA’s role to empower and enable each individual they support.
If you feel this service would help you through any sexual assault or rape you have experienced, you can refer in using the link below
Adult Survivor
Southend, Castle Point & Rochford - Essex
Office: 01702 667590 Email:
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